In case you need to increase security of your connection or more likely to use services like NETFLIX which has restriction for your country, then VPN is the right tool.
What you need:
- Account on NordVPN with subscription activated
- Router capable running of OpenWRT and OpenVPN
- Very basic knowledge of WinSCP and Putty
Guides to be used: In the link to DropBox you will find extensive PDF Official guideline. Forum used.
Please note that in OpenWRT version 18.06.04 and luci-app-openvpn 19.263.64918-825 on this LinkSys router is not available option for upload of VPN config file. So WinSCP and detailed guidelines has to be used.
Lesson learned. The guides are quite detailled and is necessary to follow them in detail. My biggest mistake was the fact that the separate file used for login data for VPN was using “login” and “password” words in addition to login information…