OTTO v2. 3D Printed Robot

Hello, here you can find some brief info about modification of the OTTO v2 3D printed project.

Result: YouTube


  1.  Source files Thingiverse OTTO DIY +GITHUB
  2. I needed more space for battery and some modification (buttons, matrix display, etc.) Therefore I have started with modification of OpenScad file. This files looks parametric, but in the end a lot of parameters are fixed
  3. I needed to learn OpenScad and modified the file. I have not finished yet and Legs still needs to be adjusted. Most of the parameters now are outside modules.
  4. Other issue is the fact that servos with the same name can have different size, servo horns etc.
  5. I have deleted from the file the option for SG90 servo.
  6. I have added DC/DC converter with output 5V directly charging the Arduino Nano. It looks that the voltage converter on the Arduino board is not powerful enough. Voltage source LiPo battery 7.4V.
  7. Added voltage divider in order to allow voltage measurement. I have adjusted parameters in “BatReader” accordingly.
  8. Added switch button for charging of the Bluetooth module in order to avoid the game with wires. Bluetooth module is connected to standard Serial Pins (0,1)
  9. Added RGB Diode WS2812, program modified and used library “light_WS2812”
  10. Everything printed with PLA on Prusa 3D MK2S.

Here you can find mentioned files:  otto v2 Work In Progress